The European Documentation Center of the URV visits the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels
The purpose of the visit was to align the work of these centers with the projects of the European Union together with the rest of the Spanish CDE

The purpose of the visit was to align the work of these centers with the projects of the European Union together with the rest of the Spanish CDE
From February 7 to 9, the staff of the Spanish CDEs, among them those of the European Documentation Center of the URV (located in the Bellissens campus CRAI), made an informative visit to the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels. The purpose of the meeting was to update these centers with current and future lines of work and projects of the European Union.
Among others, these topics were discussed:
1. Towards a European area of education, with the following initiatives to improve the education and employability of young people:
- European Strategy for Universities 2025.
- Digital Education Action Plan.
- Follow-up to the European Year of Youth 2022.
- European Year of Skills 2023.
2. Europe’s digital decade: digital objectives for 2030, with a presentation by Manuel Mateo Goyet, deputy head of the Cloud Computing and Computer Programming Unit at the General Directorate of Communication Networks, Content and Technologies.
3. Getting the Green Deal: will it be enough?
- European climate law and its objective 55 to achieve the EU objectives towards climate neutrality.
- Water as a basic element in climate change: key for Europe.
4. What is Europe doing to combat rising energy prices? with a meeting with Tatiana Márquez, member of Kadri Simson’s Cabinet, curator responsible for the “Energy” portfolio.
5. The Europe of defense: where are we going? With a conversation with Camilo Villarino, Josep Borrell’s chief of staff.
- Present and possible future of the war in Ukraine.
- Where does the EU want to go in terms of security and defense?
- Security dimension in the European space program.
The URV’s European Documentation Center is located at the Bellissens campus CRAI and offers support for the information needs of the university community on any aspect of the European Union.