The National Universities Council of Nicaragua will collaborate with the URV in Tourism
Telémaco Talavera, president of the National Universities Council of Nicaragua, visited the URV to initiate contacts

Telémaco Talavera, president of the National Universities Council of Nicaragua, visited the URV to initiate contacts
Telémaco Talavera, president of the National Universities Council of Nicaragua, visited the URV for the first time on 16 and 17 November with the aim of initiating contact, particularly in the ambit of Tourism. He was greeted by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Mar Gutiérrez-Colon, who introduced him to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the areas in which it operates.
His visit coincided with the 7th Redintur Forum, which is a university network of postgraduate courses in Tourism and which took place in the Faculty of Tourism and Geography. Talavera was invited to speak at the forum, which is made up of 27 universities from around Spain offering master’s courses in Tourism. He met the dean of the Faculty, Marta Nel·lo, and the director of the Science and Technology Park for Tourism and Leisure of Catalonia, Salvador Anton. He stated his interest in establishing a collaboration agreement with the URV and in the Park as a model for the transfer of technology and innovation in the area of Tourism.
Talavera also met Paloma Vicens, from the Department of Psychology and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology (FCEP), to learn about the work carried out by students and professors from the faculty in the Nicaraguan village of San Ramón through the NGO El Sueño de la Campana. For many years, students of Education, Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Education at the URV have been working with different communities as part of their degrees in the ambits of school learning, leisure and other aspects of education such as the elimination of domestic abuse.