The URV applies for EU funds to finance almost 700 mobility stays
URV staff and students can apply to the various calls for funds that are still open

URV staff and students can apply to the various calls for funds that are still open
The International Center has submitted a proposal that includes 16 institutions from 13 countries to the Erasmus+ KA107 call for international mobility outside the EU for the 2018-2020 period. As with the KA103 internal EU grants, applications for external EU grants are submitted annually to the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Higher Education (SEPIE). This year a total of 450 SMS grants, 50 STT grants, 50 STA grants and 100 internships within the EU have been requested for the 2018-19 period. 418 students have applied to the 2018-19 call for mobility studies.
Applications may be submitted until 14 February for two KA107 places in Morocco for the 2017-19. Students also have until 11 February to apply for KA107 STT international training grants for Japan, Australia, Moldova, Vietnam and Morocco and from 3 to 25 February to apply for STA teaching grants for the 2016-18 and 2017-19 periods in Japan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Morocco and South Africa. For more information, visit our website.
The Erasmus programme’s 30th anniversary celebrations draw to a close in Madrid
The final act of the Erasmus+ programme’s 30th anniversary celebrations took place on 18 December and brought together representatives from all sectors participating in the programme, including professional training, higher education, secondary education, adult education, among others.
The ceremony was hosted by Antolín Romero Ortega, the presenter of the TVE programme “Aquí hay Trabajo”. Speeches were given by figures from the SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education) and by individuals from all sectors who described the mobility experiences, after which all attendees were invited to a cocktail reception in the theatre.
On 19 December, a seminar on the 2018 Erasmus + call was held, also in Madrid, during which the SEPIE gave a report on the call for 2017 and explained all the latest developments for the 2018 call, such as the changes to country groups according to cost of living and the increase in grants for special needs.