The URV consolidates its relations with the Trade Co-operative University of Moldova
The two universities are working together to enable MBA students from the Moldavian institution and students on the URV’s Master’s Degree in Business Management to obtain a double diploma

The two universities are working together to enable MBA students from the Moldavian institution and students on the URV’s Master’s Degree in Business Management to obtain a double diploma
The URV and the Trade Co-operative University of Moldova are strengthening their relations through the exchange of students on the Master’s Degree in Business Administration at the Moldovan institution and students on the Master’s Degree in Business Management at the URV. On 18 July, the rector of the Trade Co-operative University of Moldova, Larisa Savga, met with the rector of the URV María José Figueras to present the university that she leads.
The Trade Co-operative University of Moldova and the Department of Business Management in the URV’s Faculty of Business and Economics are working together to match up subjects from the master’s degrees at both institutions to enable students to obtain two diplomas by studying at each university.
The meeting between Larisa Savga and María José Figueras was also attended by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, John Style, the director of the International Center, Marina Casals, and the head of the Department of Business Management, Ana Beatriz Hernández. The Moldovan university and the Department of Business Management are thus strengthening their existing relationship, which this year will lead the Department to collaborate in the organisation of a conference in Moldova entitled ‘The innovative, collaborative, inclusive development of cooperatives: theory, practice, perspectives’.
This visit was financed by the Erasmus+ KA107 programme of the European Commission. The project has been renewed until 2020 and will enable students, researchers, academic and administrative staff of the Moldovan university to visit the URV, while the URV will be able to send academic staff to Moldavia.
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