The URV receives the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ distinction for a further three years
The distinction awarded by the European Commission recognises the URV’s commitment to the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers

The distinction awarded by the European Commission recognises the URV’s commitment to the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers
Three years after it first awarded the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ distinction to the URV, the European Commission has decided to renew the distinction for a further three years. The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) distinction is awarded to institutions that contract and employ researchers in accordance with the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers. In the URV’s case, the fact that the distinction has been renewed shows the depth of its commitment to fair recruitment practices and to offering attractive career opportunities in a flourishing research-centred environment.
The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers are important initiatives adopted by the European Commission. The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is intended to help institutions to implement the policies and practices outlined in both the Charter and the Code of Conduct.
More news about: HR Excellence in Research