Training course to work with families
The course was an opportunity to know a tool that may be valuable to improve social work with families

The course was an opportunity to know a tool that may be valuable to improve social work with families
From January 23th to 25th of 2017 was held at Campus Catalunya of the URV a training course on a social intervention technique called “Family Group Conference” (FGC). It involves carrying out decision making meetings that bring together children and adults with their family and their extended support network, with the aim of finding joint solutions to crisis situations or family difficulties.
The course was taught by Mrs. Martina Erpenbeck, social worker, educator and supervisor team INTERACT DIALOGO, who developed a participatory methodology through the presentation of practical experiences and real cases of Hamburg (Germany). It involved more than thirty professors of Social Work and Social Services; professors of the Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work and tutors of practices linked to the subject Practicum Intervention of Social Work degree.
The general opinion of participants was very good because it was an opportunity to know a tool that may be valuable to improve social work with families. In addition, it promotes the empowerment of the members of the family and the responsibility lies in the protagonists avoiding dependence on support services with respect to the decision of the media.
The activity was organized by the Social Work area of the Department of Anthropology , Philosophy and Social Work with fundings of the Institute of Educational Sciences (URV).