
Training opportunities through the EACEA: a visit from Porto

The aim of the visit from the University of Porto was to learn how to set up and manage study abroad programmes

Last 11 and 12 February, the International Center of the URV and the FURV welcomed Ângela Carvalho, a colleague from the International Relations office of the University of Porto. Her visit was sponsored by the STT Erasmus+ programme, which offers training opportunities for teaching and non-teaching staff from European higher education institutions. The aim of the visit was to learn how to set up and manage study abroad programmes with the intention of creating similar programmes at the University of Porto. Other objectives of the visit were to exchange experiences and best practices with the staff of the International Center; to have the opportunity to improve procedures in the context of international cooperation; to strengthen links with the URV and to develop new windows of cooperation specifically in the context of study abroad programmes.

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