The URV is the top university in Spain in terms of gender equality according to the Times Higher Education impact ranking
The ranking recognises impact in terms of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals and evaluates nearly 2,000 universities. Overall, the URV is in the top 200 in the world

The ranking recognises impact in terms of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals and evaluates nearly 2,000 universities. Overall, the URV is in the top 200 in the world
The impact that universities have on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations has given rise to the sixth edition of the ranking produced by the magazine Times Higher Education (THE). It is a global ranking of the position of universities in the world, in which the URV occupies the position 101-200 of the 1,963 universities that have taken part. The University remains in the same position as last year – although this year there are 372 new institutions in the ranking – and excels in the categories Gender Equality, Quality Education and Climate Action. In terms of gender equality, the URV is in 47th position worldwide out of the 1,361 institutions that have been assessed and is the top university in Spain in this category. On 15 May, the European Commission gave the University the Gender Equality Champions award in recognition its high level of achievement in the implementation of equality plans.
The first position in the ranking is occupied by the University of Western Sydney, Australia. The URV shares its position (101-200) with two other Catalan universities – the University of Barcelona and the University of Girona – and three Spanish universities: the Technical University of Valencia, the University of Jaén and the University of Vigo. All were given the same score and are the top universities in Spain in this ranking.
In the THE ranking, universities are evaluated on the extent to which they fulfil the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs). For each SDG, various indicators have been identified from different sources (for example, data from the universities themselves and data from publications and citations). The overall score is calculated on the basis of objective 17, which values alliances with external institutions to achieve the goals, and the three highest scoring SDGs. The final score is the average of the scores of the current edition and the two previous ones.
The URV in the Impact Rankings 2024 in terms of SDGs
As well as excelling in Gender Equality, the SDGs in which the University is best positioned are Quality Education (31st in the world, out of 1,681 institutions) and Climate Action (65th in the world out of 924 institutions). Of the other goals, the URV is in the top 101-200 in five of them, in the top 201-300 in two, in the top 301-400 in five and in the top 401-600 in two.
You can check the ranking on the Times Higher Education website.