A call for grants has been announced for Ukrainian students to continue their university studies at the URV
The URV offers grants for students affected by the war in Ukraine to register for the academic year 2022-2023

The URV offers grants for students affected by the war in Ukraine to register for the academic year 2022-2023
Thanks to the Committee for Social Action and Solidarity and the Area of Social Impact, Cooperation and Volunteering “URV Solidarity”, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili is launching a call for extraordinary enrolment grants to provide financial support to students affected by the conflict in Ukraine so that they can continue their studies.
The grants awarded are intended to pay for the credits the student has registered for, up to a maximum of 2,500 euros per student, as well as the corresponding taxes. Students can submit their applications until midnight on 27 November, with the possibility of extending this deadline if funds are still available.
This is just one of a series of actions that URV Solidarity has set in motion to tackle the current humanitarian emergency and it has already received 58 requests for assistance.
Package of measures for the humanitarian emergency of the Ukraine war
In particular, action will be taken in two main areas: the protocols for receiving students, teaching staff and researchers, and the calls for volunteer students, administrative and service staff, and teaching and research staff.
The reception protocols coordinate the academic and administrative units of the University that receive people from Ukraine and help them to integrate into the institution, whether as teaching and research staff who wish to continue practising their profession, or as new students who wish to continue their university studies.
The calls for volunteers are designed to find people who can translate from Ukrainian or Russian into Catalan and Spanish. If you wish to collaborate, go to the Social and Health Volunteers list, where you will find projects with the references RS12022, AT12022 and CR32022, and then fill in the URV Volunteer Registration Form.
Students from Ukraine can also find other procedures on the URV Solidarity website: the validation of higher education programmes completed abroad, the procedure for being admitted to Catalan universities, and the Spanish courses for Ukrainians organised by Beques Santander.
Since the beginning of the conflict, URV Solidarity has responded to a total of 58 requests from people affected by the war in Ukraine. Joan Fuster, head of URV Solidarity, explains that one of the most striking and most common situations is that mothers working in Spain often try to register their children (who are still living in Ukraine) in Spanish or Catalan universities because only by proving that they are studying abroad can they avoid being sent to the military service and, therefore, to war.