A study carried out by the URV’s SeesLab research group has shown for the first time that machine learning algorithms do not always succeed in finding interpretable models from data
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ChatGPT has reached the University
The new artificial intelligence system capable of answering any question with natural language poses challenges for teaching methodology and evaluation. But the key to its good use is critical thinking, a core competence in university education.
The informative workshops in Reus and the Antoni de Martí i Franquès scientific tour of the city complete a weekend devoted to scientific communication.
Chemistry has once again been ranked top in Spain and Food Science is in the top seven and still in the world’s top 100. A total of 54 subjects are analysed, grouped into five areas of knowledge
A study by the URV research group TecnAtox has detected 1,460 microplastics en 2,300 molluscs collected by producers along the Catalan coastline. From these data, they have calculated that the mean annual consumption of microplastics is about 8,100. Oysters and mussels contain the most microplastics, mainly fibres
The programme seeks to motivate sixth-grade students to pursue scientific and technological studies, break down gender stereotypes and showcase women as role models, especially for girls
Researchers from the URV and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) investigate on organic solar cells in order to understand their degradation mechanism and find strategies for longer durability and, thus, increase their commercial feasibility in a large-scale production
Researchers from Nutri2Cycle project present a study that faces the challenge of agriculture to minimize the impact on the environment and develop a screening analysis useful to enhance nutrient efficiency in agriculture
The URV’s TecnATox research group has found high levels of these chemicals in indoor spaces in a study carried out in the province of Tarragona and has studied their effects on the health of adults and children
The CHILI consortium aims to comprehend current screening practices and challenges to define and implement new strategies, including the ELEVATE screening test, that meet the conditions of the local context and the preferences of the local women