The award recognises their contribution to the analysis of multilayer social networks applicable to real situations
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The project by the URV’s Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics uses artificial intelligence to collect information on patients and make recommendations to doctors and social carers
They have created a centralised database with mobility information from the main European cities and have established standards for obtaining, using and sharing the data. The CRISES group of the URV has guaranteed the privacy of the most sensitive data
The different actions have focused on applying advanced technologies to improve road safety and develop less polluting asphalt. The project is promoted by the Catalan Government and Tarragona Provincial Council
A URV research team has created a system that allows users to keep track of who has their information and what it is used for at all times by means of a smart contract
After an evaluation process by ANECA, the quality labels will be valid until July 2028
Stanford University has updated its list of leading researchers with data from the year 2022. The URV ranks third in Spain and Catalonia in terms of the percentage of researchers among the permanent teaching and research staff
Two URV research groups have created a machine learning model that may reduce the time needed to develop drugs against new viruses.
Students from the United University of India have been studying artificial intelligence and students from the Western University of Canada are studying engineering, as well as going sightseeing in the region.
Experts from the URV point out that this method significantly reduces the quality of the data, refuse to accept that traditional mechanisms pose a risk to privacy and call on institutions not to follow suit