The founder of the UNESCO Chair in Housing has been asked to appear before the committee this Wednesday. He will do so alongside around twenty other experts proposed by parliamentary groups
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The five projects focus on improving the lifestyle of the young elderly, overcoming social exclusion through education, creating polymers that help reduce waste production, studying the consequences of femicides on the victims’ sons and daughters and designing a nutritional support programme for people with dementia
The III International Congress of Insurance Law dealt with sustainability as a guiding principle of insurance activity and the new challenges facing Insurance Law
The international conference focused on the different rules of private international law on conflict of laws of the EU Member States
Researchers evaluate the impact of the Nordic Barnahus model implemented as a pilot project in Tarragona so that it can be extended to the rest of Spain and they provide future magistrates with training on mechanisms to reduce the secondary victimisation of children
The move online and the opportunity to study part-time help students as they prepare for their professional careers
The URV researcher Sergio Nasarre has been a leading member of the project “50 Out-of-the-box Housing Solutions to Homelessness & Housing Exclusion”, which has compiled examples of innovative solutions to provide housing for homeless people in Europe
Organized by the Department of Private, Procedural and Financial Law, the conference has brought together more than 60 experts in the field to discuss the challenges for the future
His appointments strengthen the Housing Chair’s position as one of the leading institutions in the world in this area
A delegation from the Guilin Tourism University had visited the URV to discuss possible joint projects between the two universities