It is in our hands to take advantage of the opportunities and benefits of this process.
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So many international institutional contacts are founded upon a personal relationship between two individuals who discovered that they could work well together. Let us take advantage of those contacts to develop the URV’s internationalization strategy.
Junjing Wang, international student at the ETSEQ, awarded a grant by Martí i Franquès COFUND Fellowship Programme
The framework agreement with this institution was signed in 2009 and since then the Centre for Hispanic Studies has been receiving students from this university
The Chinese university visits the URV to prepare the draft cooperation agreement to teach a joint degree with the Faculty of Tourism and Geography
A URV delegation headed by the rector has visited the Asian country for the 80th anniversary celebrations of Yunnan Normal University and to promote student and academic staff mobility and collaboration in teaching and research
The URV and the URV Foundation publicise the opportunities for Chinese students to study on their bachelor’s, postgraduate and doctoral programmes
The URV has attended NAJAH Abu Dhabi where it informed attendees about its Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry taught in English and the various master’s and doctoral programmes that it offers
The University of Borås visits the URV
Administrative staff from the Swedish university were interested in the management of mobility and administration of students at the URV
740 new students from other countries will be studying at the University during the first semester