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From 23 to 26 November, Professor Stephen Dyson, assistant director of the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology (IEMA), visited the URV in the framework of the relations established between the URV and the University of Buffalo (New York, United States). Over the course of four days, he visited archaeological sites, held working meetings and delivered a paper at the ICAC entitled “Where Caesar Never Trod: Classical Archaeology and Ideology in 19th and 20th Century America”.

For the last twelve years “Times Higher Education” (THE) has published its ranking of the best universities in the world. In the latest edition, the URV is between position 401 and 500 out of the 800 universities around the world that have been included in the ranking. The URV has been ranked in sixth position out of 25 Spanish universities, a position it shares with the Polytechnic of Catalonia, the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Valencia

Academics, managers and heads of doctoral training programmes from ten Latin American countries gathered at the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) to examine alternative ways of enhancing the supervision of doctoral theses and sharing institutional experiences. The team coordinating the seminar was made up of professors from the URV who have been organizing workshops on doctoral supervision since 2012