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At the meeting of the University Senate on 26 November the committees entrusted with drafting a new scientific policy plan to substitute the one that has been in force since 2001 were constituted. The proposal for restructuring the courses provided by the faculties and school, and the reports by the Ombuds Officer and on the Quality and Equality plans were also submitted

The Catalan Government gives out 30 of these awards every year to reward research excellence in the Catalan university system. To receive the award, individuals must have spent at least five years primarily engaged in research activities at a Catalan public university. Marsal is head of the Nanoelectronic and Photonic Systems research group (NePhoS) at the URV’s Department Of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering

The first beer made by URV students has been officially presented by the Faculty of Oenology during the closing ceremony of the University Master’s Degree in Fermented Beverages. The ceremony took place on 25 June at the Sescelades Campus and featured a talk by the president of the Guild of Natural and Artisan Beer Makers

Number 23 of the Revista URV is now available. The cover of the latest edition highlights the University’s commitment to quality on all areas of its activities through its Quality Assurance Plan. 6000 copies of the magazine will be printed and it can be read, downloaded, printed and shared online in Catalan, English and Spanish at the following link http://issuu.com/revistaurv

The Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution is conducting an international search for a new director after Eudald Carbonell announced that he was standing down in order to spend more time carrying out research in Africa. He will also return to teaching as a professor at the URV and will continue to play a key role in the Atapuerca Foundation

The doctoral thesis “From the projected to the transmitted image: The 2.0 construction of tourist destination image and identity in Catalonia” authored by Dr. Estela Mariné Roig under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Salvador Anton Clavé within the Doctoral Program in Tourism and Leisure of the Rovira i Virgili University has been selected as the winner of the International Federation for Information Technologies and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) Thesis Excellence Award for a Doctoral Thesis. Among the competing nominees, the Dr. Estela Mariné´s thesis stood out for its innovativeness, scientific rigor, and relevance to the tourism field