Her career in the field of nutrition and her contribution to obesity research have motivated this appointment, which will be for the next three years
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The finding, led by researchers from the DIAMET research group of the IISPV and URV, focuses on the role of succinate and its receptor, which play a key role in the alterations in metabolism suffered by these patients
A URV research project has studied the prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in school-age children and how these conditions affect their social relationships
Research led by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Max Planck Institute determines the diet, lifestyle and causes of death of these medieval religious knights
A study led by the URV’s Human Nutrition Unit has associated the consumption of ultra-processed foods products with a greater risk of overweight, increased blood sugar and worse levels of good cholesterol
The training, the first in-person classes after COVID and the war, are being held this week at the Faculty of Tourism and Geography
They have created a centralised database with mobility information from the main European cities and have established standards for obtaining, using and sharing the data. The CRISES group of the URV has guaranteed the privacy of the most sensitive data
The different actions have focused on applying advanced technologies to improve road safety and develop less polluting asphalt. The project is promoted by the Catalan Government and Tarragona Provincial Council
The results of this study, led by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, are a step forward in our understanding of the relationship between obesity, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease
In a scientific paper, the researcher from the URV’s Department of Public Law, Susana Borràs, discusses the vulnerability and lack of protection of migrant women and children