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From 20 to 24 March, the URV’s Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology organised a programme to enable students from one of the most renowned universities in the USA to participate with students from the faculty in a series of activities and workshops

The researchers are part of the Martí i Franquès COFUND Fellowship Programme which is jointly funded by the European Union as part of its Horizon 2020 programme. This new programme at the URV will recruit 25 predoctoral researchers this year and another 25 next year, all on three-year contracts. The call for applications is open from 15 February to 15 April 2017

230 representatives from 143 institutions in 29 European countries have converged today on the Main Lecture Theatre at the Catalunya Campus to discuss doctoral training. The official opening of the meeting featured speeches from the URV’s rector Josep Anton Ferré, Francesc Díaz, director of the URV’s Postgraduate and Doctoral School, and Melita Kovacevic, from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). The meeting will last for two days and has been organised the Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the European University Association