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The European Commission has awarded four million euros to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili’s Martí Franquès COFUND project, which will allow it to contract 50 predoctoral researchers. The recruitment process will take place in 2017 and 2018 and the successful candidates will have be awarded three-year contracts. The University will contribute a further four million euros to the project which will conclude in 2021

“Doctoral training: a dilemma of quality or quantity?” This will be the central theme of the annual meeting organised by the Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the European University Association. The meeting will take place on 16 and 17 June at the Catalunya Campus of the URV and will bring together 230 representatives of 143 institutions from 29 European countries

Thirteen Japanese students participated in a Study Abroad training activity in Tarragona from 12 to 20 March in which they formed two groups. Whilst the first group studied various aspects of human mobility and human rights, the second investigated nursing care and visits to health facilities in the Tarragona area

The Confucius Institute Foundation of Barcelona has recognised the URV as an authorised centre for the official Chinese language tests, which will take place in June and will be repeated once every year. The decision was announced as part of the agreement that the URV has had with this institution since 2014. The Institute’s directors visited the University on 11 March after holding a meeting to discuss strengthening and expanding the partnership between the two institutions

The 9th Seminar of the EUA-CDE on Doctoral supervision, practices and responsibilities, held in the Netherlands saw the URV’s Postgraduate and Doctoral School playing a leading role in the session entitled Engaging and training supervisors, which discussed the process of professionalising doctoral supervision

The new association is formed by URV students and alumni and promotes knowledge of Chinese culture and language. It is supported by the Lifelong Learning Centre of the URV Foundation and the Centre for Hispanic Studies and one of the first activities to take place will be an introductory course in Chinese

At the meeting of the University Senate on 26 November the committees entrusted with drafting a new scientific policy plan to substitute the one that has been in force since 2001 were constituted. The proposal for restructuring the courses provided by the faculties and school, and the reports by the Ombuds Officer and on the Quality and Equality plans were also submitted

The student Sergi Canals will be embarking on two- year stay at the University of Californias thanks to the Balsells-Generalitat scholarship. For the first time, this programme is providing funding to cover the cost of registration fees and living expenses so that students can study the Master’s programme in Viticulture and Oenology at UC Davis, one of the 10 campuses in the University of California, which is considered one of the most important public university systems in the world