The UNESCO Chair for Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean participates in the CONNEKT project to study the factors that can influence the radicalization of young people in 8 countries in the Balkans and Mediterranean
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The book presents the evolution of Catalan folk literature studies in the Catalan linguistic and cultural territories from the 19th century
It has been revealed through the study of cut marks on fossils from Atapuerca and other European sites. The research has been led by Francesc Marginedas, a student of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution Degree at the Rovira i Virgili University
One in every four European LGBTIQ+ citizens has been on the receiving end of attacks or violent threats
Africa has come knocking on your door
Ethiopia’s young prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, is the new and, as from now, eternal winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2019, for his leading role in the peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
The GRATET Research Group, with the support of URV Solidària, provides the working methodology so that local stakeholders can draw up a tourism plan
During their stay they combine training activities, workshops and cultural visits
Depressive symptoms, anxiety and compulsive obsessive disorder are the main risk factors, according to a study by Universitat Rovira i Virgili researchers
The results are from the Predimed-Plus study, and they have been obtained after monitoring for a year almost 2,000 patients suffering from overweight and the metabolic syndrome
The training will continue to be offered to universities on demand