
First environmental activity for URV exchange students

International students participated in an environmental workshop and visited the URV’s charity vegetable allotments

Students learnt about the culinary and medicinal properties of Mediterranean plants.

Medi Ambient URV, the URV’s Charity Vegetable Allotments and the International Center organised a new activity to welcome exchange students and involve them in the URV’s internationalisation and environment plans. The programme included a workshop on culinary and medicinal Mediterranean plants by the Hort de la Sínia organisation, a visit to the URV’s charity vegetable allotments followed by a fair trade coffee event at the Catalunya campus.

URV’s charity vegetable allotments at campus Catalunya,

During the workshop students learnt about the properties and uses of various native plants, in particular that Mediterranean plant par excellence, thyme, and took samples of plants away with them after finishing the workshop. This was followed by a fair trade coffee event at the end of the workshop with coffee from an alternative trading organization.

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