New videos are presented within the series on the research of the PhD fellows of the Martí i Franquès COFUND Programme
The series “Meet our fellows” highlights the profile of the PhD fellows, their research projects, their experience at the URV and their career aspirations. They are beneficiaries of a grant from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

The series “Meet our fellows” highlights the profile of the PhD fellows, their research projects, their experience at the URV and their career aspirations. They are beneficiaries of a grant from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
This month, 10 new videos of the series “Meet our fellows” have been released, produced by the Martí i Franquès COFUND (MFP-COFUND) programme of the URV, in collaboration with the Educational Resources Service of the University. The videos are intended to give visibility to the programme’s PhD fellows and the results of the research they are carrying out at the URV, under the supervision of their PhD thesis directors. This audio-visual product is part of the communication and dissemination strategy of the MFP-COFUND project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
Among other topics, PhD fellows explain their thesis projects, take stock of their stay at the URV and expose the benefits that this doctoral contract can bring them in their future career. Thus, for example, fellows highlight in the interviews that the time spent at the URV as beneficiaries of an MSCA grant and the training in transversal skills received will improve their opportunities in the job market, both inside and outside the academy.
These videos are added to another 10 that have already been produced in 2021. The protagonists of the new videos are 10 doctoral researchers from six different departments of the URV: Naga Pandurangi (supervised by Ioanis Katakis), Christine El Khoury (supervised by Laureano Jiménez & Carlos Pozo), Giuseppe Colella (supervised by Josep Bonet & Clara Salueña) and Regan Ceaser (supervised by Francesc Medina, Magdalena Constantí & Daniel Montané), from Chemical Engineering department; Kandeel Shafique (supervised by Beatriz Prieto), from Electronic, Electric and Automatic Engineering; Srishti Goyal (supervised by Maria Llop), from Economics; Zacharia Waithaka Ng’ang’a (supervised by Raúl Beltrán), from Biochemistry and Biotechnology, cofunded by IRTA; Sharanpreet Kaur (supervised by Josefa Canals & Paula Morales), from Psychology; Debashish Roy (supervised by Ercilia García & María Dolores Jiménez), from Romances Studies; and Camilla Masullo (supervised by Evelina Leivada & Isabel Oltra), from English and German Studies.
All the videos are available on the MFP-COFUND webpage and on the URV’s YouTube channel. All the profiles of the MFP-COFUND fellows and their thesis supervisors can be found on the programme’s website.