Sònia Pujol is a URV student who participated in the Summer Law School: Human Rights Policy Legal Clinic at the Summer School of the Palacký University of Olomouc (Czech Republic), one of the short-term training programmes offered by the Aurora alliance
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Chemistry occupies top spot in Spain for the fifth year running, now out on its own, and Tourism and Hotel Management is once again in the world’s top 200. In total 55 disciplines from five knowledge areas are analysed
Law enters the ranking for the first time in position 251-300. The results are weighted on the basis of eighteen indicators of teaching, research, research quality, internationalisation and industry
The number of undergraduates is 2.6% higher than last year and the number of master’s students has exceeded 2,000 for the second year running
One of the first research projects in a growing field claims that, if users are to be satisfied, priority needs to be given to interactivity and specific recommendations, not just general information
63% of the publications of URV researchers in 2022 were in open access. The CRAI offers several activities to spread and learn about the benefits of publishing in open access
The Palacký University in Olomouc has played host to representatives of the Aurora alliance universities to discuss the future of higher education and research in Europe
The information presented to the Governing Council shows that parity has been achieved among the leaders of research groups in the last call for recognized groups, but there are still inequalities in the careers of the teaching staff
Stanford University has updated its list of leading researchers with data from the year 2022. The URV ranks third in Spain and Catalonia in terms of the percentage of researchers among the permanent teaching and research staff
Staff from English and Italian universities got to know the day-to-day working of URV units in a staff shadowing session