The University publicises its postgraduate and doctoral courses in Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico
The URV promotes its postgraduate and doctoral programmes for the 2018-19 academic year at the QS Grad School Tour

The URV promotes its postgraduate and doctoral programmes for the 2018-19 academic year at the QS Grad School Tour
The URV is promoting its postgraduate and doctoral courses for the 2018-19 academic year at the QS Grad School Tour, which will travel to Quito, Bogotá and Mexico City on 6, 8 and 12 February, respectively.
In 2016, the URV participated in the QS Grad School Tour fairs in Mexico and Colombia and, on the basis of this experience and the interest shown by Latin American graduates in studying at universities like the URV, has decided to participate again. This year, the dates of the fairs are very close to the opening of the pre-registration period for the university master’s degree programs, which means that any students interested in studying at the URV will be able to register immediately.
Representing the URV at the fair are Noemí Rabassa, the rector’s communications delegate, and Titón Sancho, from the Master´s Support Office (OAM), together with a group of former URV students who come from the countries that will be visited and who will describe their experience at the URV and in Tarragona.
The format of the fair is based on individual attention for each student interested in studying abroad. They must register to attend, stating their area of interest and the country they wish to study in. In addition, the different countries and higher education institutions will hold specific sessions to introduce themselves. Noemí Rabassa will give two presentations on the URV and the courses it offers to international students.
This fair is a good opportunity for the university to promote its courses among international students and to establish and maintain relations with other universities and institutions from all around the world and learn about the courses they offer.
The URV delegation will take advantage of its presence at the QS Grad World Tour fairs to meet representatives of each country’s Ministry of Education abroad and to visit universities and agencies that promote graduate mobility and education abroad.
Futura, Salón de Másteres y Posgrados in March
Once again the URV will participate in the Salón Futura de los másters y postgrados, which this year is in its 15th edition and will take place on 16 and 17 March at the Fira Barcelona.
Futura, el Salón de los Másters y Posgrados is the most important fair in Catalonia and the beginning of a nationwide promotional campaign. It is a unique opportunity for more than 6,500 students to learn about the various postgraduate and masters courses available in Catalonia, Spain and abroad. Futura is organized in parallel with the Saló de l’Ensenyament, which is aimed at secondary school students interested in starting an undergraduate degree.
At the Futura event, public and private universities, business schools, lifelong learning centres and professional schools provide information on their courses and offer participants guidance regarding their academic and professional futures. The URV will present the courses offered by the URV Foundation with the help of students and professors.