The URV publishes a bilingual version of its bird guide “Moixons de la URV”
The booklet, in Spanish and English, is aimed at international visitors to the University and is the second joint initiative between the International Center and the Environment Plan

The booklet, in Spanish and English, is aimed at international visitors to the University and is the second joint initiative between the International Center and the Environment Plan
The Environment Plan and the International Center of the URV have published “Pájaros del campus/Birds of the Campus” (2016), a guide to the birds that can be found on the URV’s Sescelades Campus (Tarragona). It is a bilingual edition in English and Spanish created by the publishing project Pas de Pardal. The booklet was first published in Catalan last year under the title “Moixons de la URV”.
The booklet is a guide to local wildlife for international visitors to the URV and enables them to identify and enjoy local birds through the descriptions and illustrations in its pages and by listening to their songs through the accompanying QR codes. The authors are Xavier Riera, an ornithologist and expert bird ringer who has principally worked in the Ebro Delta area, and Pep Gavaldà, an illustrator with a keen interest in the natural world.
The initiative is part of the joint activities on which the two URV units began working together towards the end of 2016. The main objectives are to increase understanding of the URV’s environmental activities among those who come from abroad to visit or study at the University and to highlight the URV’s continual commitment to the environment over the last 25 years since its creation.
More news about: Birds, International Center, URV Environment Plan