Researchers from the URV and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) investigate on organic solar cells in order to understand their degradation mechanism and find strategies for longer durability and, thus, increase their commercial feasibility in a large-scale production
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Research led by the URV has determined the impact of the pandemic on the journeys made by residents and visitors to the Camp de Tarragona region and on the mental health of public transport users
A URV study identifies for the first time the needs of LGBT+ students in educational centres and suggests actions to improve the situation in the Spanish education system
Researchers from Nutri2Cycle project present a study that faces the challenge of agriculture to minimize the impact on the environment and develop a screening analysis useful to enhance nutrient efficiency in agriculture
For two years he will be able to carry out with this technoloty as part of his research on new organic photovoltaic materials
Public administration actions that provide technological services to urban areas specialising in knowledge-intensive sectors help to attract new companies, improve the efficiency of existing ones and enhance the prestige of these areas
A study by a research team from the URV and the IISPV shows that people who live in cities where airborne pollutants exceed the threshold set by the WHO suffer from COVID-19 more severely and are more likely to die
Òmnium Cultural del Tarragonès has donated a book collection owned by the critic and journalist Domènec Guansé to the URV. The collection consists of about 800 documents from 1870 to 1978 and many of them have dedications by different authors, such as Prudenci and Aurora Bertrana, Carles Soldevila, or JV Foix.
The professor and director of the URV’s Human Nutrition Unit is among the most influential scientists in the world due to the impact of his research, according to the “Highly Cited Researchers 2021” list
Pilar Galán has helped create a bank of biological samples for understanding the mechanisms involved in the relationship between food and cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes and has launched food labels containing nutritional information.