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230 representatives from 143 institutions in 29 European countries have converged today on the Main Lecture Theatre at the Catalunya Campus to discuss doctoral training. The official opening of the meeting featured speeches from the URV’s rector Josep Anton Ferré, Francesc Díaz, director of the URV’s Postgraduate and Doctoral School, and Melita Kovacevic, from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). The meeting will last for two days and has been organised the Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the European University Association

“Doctoral training: a dilemma of quality or quantity?” This will be the central theme of the annual meeting organised by the Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the European University Association. The meeting will take place on 16 and 17 June at the Catalunya Campus of the URV and will bring together 230 representatives of 143 institutions from 29 European countries

On 8 April Abdelaziz Jatim visited the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution, and was then welcomed at the Rectorate Building by Josep Anton Ferré, rector of the URV. The IPHES collaborates with the Université Mohamed I Oujda in the fields of archaeology, geology, paleontology and the socialization of science

The professor from the University of Michigan (76) is regarded as a towering figure in the world of chemical engineering for his outstanding career in teaching, research and technology transfer. His ideas have been a source of inspiration for the URV’s School of Chemical Engineering, which prompted the University to award him an honorary doctorate on 15 April in a ceremony at the Rector’s Offices

Thirteen Japanese students participated in a Study Abroad training activity in Tarragona from 12 to 20 March in which they formed two groups. Whilst the first group studied various aspects of human mobility and human rights, the second investigated nursing care and visits to health facilities in the Tarragona area