The objective is to launch this programme in the near future for the rest of countries in the Latin America region
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The welcome ceremony was attended by many international doctoral students
More than one hundred students took part yesterday in the traditional Christmas party organised by the Centre for Hispanic Studies
Researchers have until 26 January 2018 to present their applications
Coen de Graaf is doctor in Theoretical Chemistry and member of the research group in Quantum Chemistry of the URV. He is researching how to split water with sunlight so we can use the hydrogen as a source of energy
Telémaco Talavera, president of the National Universities Council of Nicaragua, visited the URV to initiate contacts
The Department of Communication Studies of the URV and the Universidad de la Frontera establish a specific agreement for staff mobility
The Hungarian university has chosen the URV as a model of university internationalisation
The Dutch organisation offers graduates the chance to undertake internships at companies in the Eindhoven region
International students participate in an environmental workshop and visit the URV’s Community Vegetable Gardens