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Xènia Roviralta is a student at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. She is 24 years old and is in the final year of her degree in Food Bioprocess Engineering. She is also a representative on the Aurora Student Council, which gives support and advises the senior management of the universities that are part of the Aurora network to promote the common objectives.

Marouane Laabbas el Guennouni is an example of what students can achieve in European institutions because between March and July of this year he undertook a paid internship at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. There, he was responsible for compiling the legal doctrine that would guide judges in resolving cases. He is this year’s UNICAT ambassador for the URV, a figure that exists in Catalan universities to inform students about job and internship opportunities in the EU.

More than 120 members of the leadership teams, researchers, administrative and service staff and students will meet at the URV in one of the two annual meetings of the Aurora consortium. Previously, a group of 30 university students will take part in a session to define how a meaningful international experience can be guaranteed for all Aurora students