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On 8 April Abdelaziz Jatim visited the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution, and was then welcomed at the Rectorate Building by Josep Anton Ferré, rector of the URV. The IPHES collaborates with the Université Mohamed I Oujda in the fields of archaeology, geology, paleontology and the socialization of science

IBER, the URV spin-off, will offer guided and dramatized tours of the Jewish quarter and other important areas of the medieval city. The aim is for these two tours to become a regular part of the city’s cultural calendar. Furthermore, the members of IBER, who are all researchers at the URV, have applied their knowledge of history and archaeology to the production of a craft beer using the brewing techniques of the ancient Iberians, with the aim of bringing ancient cuisine to the general public

Thirteen Japanese students participated in a Study Abroad training activity in Tarragona from 12 to 20 March in which they formed two groups. Whilst the first group studied various aspects of human mobility and human rights, the second investigated nursing care and visits to health facilities in the Tarragona area

The Confucius Institute Foundation of Barcelona has recognised the URV as an authorised centre for the official Chinese language tests, which will take place in June and will be repeated once every year. The decision was announced as part of the agreement that the URV has had with this institution since 2014. The Institute’s directors visited the University on 11 March after holding a meeting to discuss strengthening and expanding the partnership between the two institutions

The new association is formed by URV students and alumni and promotes knowledge of Chinese culture and language. It is supported by the Lifelong Learning Centre of the URV Foundation and the Centre for Hispanic Studies and one of the first activities to take place will be an introductory course in Chinese

It has been made with three dimensional models of the ear cavities by an international team with the participation of one researcher from IPHES. The study concludes that early hominids had a hearing similar to chimpanzees, but with differences that already closer to modern human. The impact of the previous study about the acoustic capabilities of the preneandertals at Atapuerca has allowed the realization of this research in Australopithecus and Paranthropus

This summer three Study Abroad programmes will take place in the month of July. North-American professors will carry out a summer course in Spanish at the Catalunya campus, and students from the Northeastern University of Boston will do a course in Chemical Engineering at the CTTI and visit locally-based chemical companies. On 20 July students from the University of Cairo and the British University of Egypt began courses in Engineering and Chemical Engineering