The third edition of the Aurora Student Conference is held at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
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A URV researcher has analysed the implications of these tools on the experience of users. The main conclusion is that they are still close to the traditional gender binary system
The URV has started to use digital twins in the degrees in History and the History of Art and Archaeology, and also in research. The use of these technologies raises new debates and the need for critical reflection from a humanist perspective
These are the results of a study by the URV and the IISPV on how the restrictions of the pandemic affected people with metabolic syndrome who took part in the Predimed-Plus project
The series “Meet our fellows” highlights the profile of the PhD fellows, their research projects, their experience at the URV and their career aspirations. They are beneficiaries of a grant from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
They have received the second National Graduation Award in Psychology and Mechanical Engineering, respectively
The European Housing+ project addresses the growing complexity of the study of housing in Europe and provides tools to understand and address the social, political, and economic challenges it poses
INSSPIRE is a new Erasmus+ Capacity Building project
The URV and the international partners fostered knowledge sharing
The first edition of the inter-university master’s degree in an emerging sector with a high demand for professionals has concluded