Workshop on Mediterranean herbs for exchange students at the URV
International students participate in an environmental workshop and visit the URV’s Community Vegetable Gardens

International students participate in an environmental workshop and visit the URV’s Community Vegetable Gardens
The URV’s Environmental Policy Committee, the International Centre and the Community Vegetable Gardens have organised a special activity for exchange students, to introduce them to the URV’s Strategic Internationalisation Plan and Environment Plan. The programme included a workshop by the Hort de la Sínia Centre on Mediterranean plants used in cooking and medicine and a visit to the URV’s Community Vegetable Gardens. The activity took place at the Catalunya campus on 23 November. During the workshop, students learnt about the properties and uses of various native plants, in particular that most Mediterranean of plants, thyme, and took away a sample of plants after tasting a series of infusions.
Posted at: Campus life, Environment, Students, URV International
More news about: Community vegetable gardens, Exchange students, International Center, Strategic Internationalisation Plan, URV Environment Plan
More news about: Community vegetable gardens, Exchange students, International Center, Strategic Internationalisation Plan, URV Environment Plan