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Greater time spent in physical activities with moderate-high intensity and less time devoted to sedentary activities, such as watching television, are associated with a lower presence of cardiometabolic risk factors including obesity, diabetes and certain individual components of metabolic syndrome, according to the first results published from the multicentric study PREDIMED-PLUS

URV researchers have developed a mobile application for car sharing that protects users’ data. Co-car is an Android app that puts drivers who want to share their car in contact with other people who want to make similar journeys. People are able to arrange journeys anonymously and through mutual collaboration and without the involvement of any company. This means that users’ privacy is not compromised because data on individuals and their movements are not published or stored. Furthermore, the service is completely free

Consuming saturated animal fats is associated with a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes. In particular, the consumption of butter, which is rich in saturated fatty acids and trans fats, has been related to a high risk of suffering from this disease. In contrast, the consumption of whole fat yoghurt is associated with a lower risk. These are the findings of study on more than 3,000 men and women aged between 50 and 80 who are participating in the PREDIMED project, a clinical study into the effects of dietary intervention on patients with a high cardiovascular risk

Researchers at the URV have developed a pioneering method that will allow city authorities to levy fairer charges on vehicles that enter their city centres. The method analyses data in real time in order to identify congestion hot-spots at any given moment so that only drivers who pass through these hot-spots have to pay a charge rather than all drivers who take their vehicles into the city centre

Research by the URV has demonstrated, for the first time, that the polyphenols in grapes can re-establish the control mechanism that the brain has on appetite and which is altered in obesity. The study reports that adding these phenols to the diet of obese individuals, in conjunction with other therapies, would be a good strategy to reduce the appetite and the excess of body fat

As part of the Staff Shadowing programme of the International Network of Universities (INU), last October we were visited by Alejandro Gariglio, the Design and Image Coordinator of the Directorate of Institutional Communication of the National University of the Litoral (Argentina) and lecturer on the degree in Design of Visual Communication

This is the conclusion of a study conducted by URV researchers Manlio de Domenico and Àlex Arenas, who have analysed the mobility indicators of EU scientists, the capacity of countries to attract new researchers and to retain talent, and the correlation between these measures and GDP investment in research. The results have been published in Nature

The professor from the University of Michigan (76) is regarded as a towering figure in the world of chemical engineering for his outstanding career in teaching, research and technology transfer. His ideas have been a source of inspiration for the URV’s School of Chemical Engineering, which prompted the University to award him an honorary doctorate on 15 April in a ceremony at the Rector’s Offices