These lockers have three types of connectors (USB-C, Micro USB and Lightning) and a plug for charging laptops
Show all news from "Learning and Research Resource Centre (CRAI)"
The loan service between Catalan universities incorporates the request for articles and book chapters in digital format
The new regulations affect the “Rects Research” and “Generation of Knowledge” modalities
Newly admitted students can now check the dates and times of the information sessions
The RDR has achieved this figure after three years of implementation
29 researchers and 22 researchers from the URV presented themselves at the call for evaluation of the ANECA 2023 research activity
You can now consult the “CRAI in a day” and “CRAI in figures” infographics, a collection of data on the activity of the year 2023
This transformative new agreement, valid until 2026, will allow publishing without a cap on APCs, which is the fee paid to make articles available in open access.
Three campus CRAIs open for Christmas
The loan of documents and renewals will be extended until after the Christmas holidays
The University Senate has approved the document drawn up with the participation of the entire university community and which is committed to offering quality services