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Researchers at the URV and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) have discovered why people with obesity not only accumulate glycogen in their muscles and liver, like other people, but also store it in their adipocytes, the cells that make up body fat. These fat cells stop working properly, causing the individual to develop insulin resistance and, potentially, type 2 diabetes. This is the first time that this metabolic pathway has been described and it makes glycogen a new player within the pathology of obesity

The 9th Seminar of the EUA-CDE on Doctoral supervision, practices and responsibilities, held in the Netherlands saw the URV’s Postgraduate and Doctoral School playing a leading role in the session entitled Engaging and training supervisors, which discussed the process of professionalising doctoral supervision

At the meeting of the University Senate on 26 November the committees entrusted with drafting a new scientific policy plan to substitute the one that has been in force since 2001 were constituted. The proposal for restructuring the courses provided by the faculties and school, and the reports by the Ombuds Officer and on the Quality and Equality plans were also submitted

In messages to be published on the social networks the system automatically protects the words that may infringe the privacy of the author by changing them for more general words. Depending on how well the readers know the author, they will be able to access a more or less detailed version of the message. Only the social network operator will have the most protected version of the message

It has been made with three dimensional models of the ear cavities by an international team with the participation of one researcher from IPHES. The study concludes that early hominids had a hearing similar to chimpanzees, but with differences that already closer to modern human. The impact of the previous study about the acoustic capabilities of the preneandertals at Atapuerca has allowed the realization of this research in Australopithecus and Paranthropus

For the last twelve years “Times Higher Education” (THE) has published its ranking of the best universities in the world. In the latest edition, the URV is between position 401 and 500 out of the 800 universities around the world that have been included in the ranking. The URV has been ranked in sixth position out of 25 Spanish universities, a position it shares with the Polytechnic of Catalonia, the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Valencia

The two recent studies were part of the PREDIMED (Prevenció amb Dieta Mediterrània) project. One of them, published in the journal Diabetis Care and coordinated by the URV, concludes that the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil reduces the risk of diabetic patients suffering a retinopathy by 44%. The other study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, associates the Mediterranean diet with a reduction in the risk of suffering from breast cancer. This study was coordinated by the University of Navarre and the URV researchers who took part were led by Jordi Salas-Salvadó