People with COVID-19 or who have been in close contact with a suspected case or waiting for test results will have to study and work from home
This has been established in the URV’s Contingency Plan for the 2020-21 academic year, which stipulates how all members of the URV community must act in order to prevent the spread of the disease on its campuses

This has been established in the URV’s Contingency Plan for the 2020-21 academic year, which stipulates how all members of the URV community must act in order to prevent the spread of the disease on its campuses
Today the URV’s Governing Council approved the COVID-19 Contingency Plan for the 2020-21 academic year, which stipulates that not only those who have been formally diagnosed with COVID-19, but also individuals who have been in close contact with positive and suspect cases and those who waiting for COVID-19 test results cannot physically enter the university’s premises and instead must study or work from home.
People who are able to enter the university’s premises must wear a mask; it will be compulsory in all areas of the campus, including outside. Furthermore, all students and staff must bring a record of all the people with whom they have been in contact with for more than 15 minutes at a distance of less than two metres and without a facemask (close contact), and the University will record the entry of students to its classrooms in order to track any possible cases.
Students and staff who have been ordered to have a COVID-19 test, who have been diagnosed positive or who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 must send an email to the COVID-19 monitors of their faculty/school or the unit where they work. The email addresses of the COVID-19 monitors can be found at urv.cat/coronavirus. The URV’s Risk Prevention Office will give the necessary instructions to positive cases and close contacts by email so that they know what they have to do, and they will also order any part of the URV premises to be cleaned and closed if deemed necessary.
In addition to these measures, the 2020-2021 Contingency Plan sets out the regulations governing attention to the public and the use of classrooms, laboratories, bars, common areas, offices and toilets, among others. The document will be published soon online at urv.cat/coronavirus. Also the URV’s intranet can be consulted for the daily updates provided by COVID-19 monitors regarding positive and suspected cases at its faculties, schools and campuses.
The plan has been created in anticipation of the reopening of URV facilities and has been drawn up by the union representatives and the University’s General Management, in consultation with professors Àlex Arenas, Antoni Castro, Montserrat Olona and Francesc Vidal.
The Governing Council has also ratified the teaching plan proposed by each faculty and school for the 2020-21, with the intention that all of them meet the requirements established by the rector’s resolution on 18 September, which among other issues, deals with the number of people allowed in spaces (maximum of 30 people in a face-to-face class), reducing movement around the URV’s facilities and reducing crowds by staggering the times when people can enter and exit the University’s premises.
More news about: Coronavirus