The Doctoral Programme in Science and Chemical Technology receives the AQU seal of excellence
The high level of research and the quality of its doctoral theses and the associated publications are the principal strengths recognised by the accreditation

The high level of research and the quality of its doctoral theses and the associated publications are the principal strengths recognised by the accreditation
The Doctoral Programme in Science and Chemical Technology, which involves the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (PIC), the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry (ACOC), and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), has received an excellence award from the Quality Agency for the University System of Catalonia (AQU) which has subsequently been confirmed in a resolution issued by the Council of Universities. Last October, due to the pandemic, the external evaluation committee of the AQU carried out a remote inspection and recently issued the evaluation reports.
Among the aspects that have made the programme worthy of this distinction are the suitability of the teaching staff to the training programme, in which they participate by supervising doctoral theses, and the quality of the results that are obtained. Of particular note among the strengths and the good practices are the high level of research, the quality of the theses and the publications that derive from them, the commitment of the teaching staff and the satisfaction of the doctoral students with the direction and supervision of their theses, the high level of internationalisation and the competent levels of coordination.
The Doctoral Programme in Science and Chemical Technology, coordinated by Rosa Caballol, has the most students of any at the URV, with 35-40 new students each year and some 160 students registered to carry out their doctoral studies at the chemistry departments and the ICIQ. Among 30 to 40 theses are defended each academic year, with an average duration of just under four years. Moreover, almost half the students are from abroad and there is a trend towards gender balance with approximately 40% of students being women.
The excellence award received by the doctoral programme is added to those already obtained for excellence in bachelor’s and master’s studies at the Faculty of Chemistry.
After the far-reaching reform of these studies by Royal Decree 99/2011, the remaining doctoral programmes that started during the 2013-2014 academic year are currently in the process of being accredited by AQU Catalunya.