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In messages to be published on the social networks the system automatically protects the words that may infringe the privacy of the author by changing them for more general words. Depending on how well the readers know the author, they will be able to access a more or less detailed version of the message. Only the social network operator will have the most protected version of the message

The student Sergi Canals will be embarking on two- year stay at the University of Californias thanks to the Balsells-Generalitat scholarship. For the first time, this programme is providing funding to cover the cost of registration fees and living expenses so that students can study the Master’s programme in Viticulture and Oenology at UC Davis, one of the 10 campuses in the University of California, which is considered one of the most important public university systems in the world

This summer three Study Abroad programmes will take place in the month of July. North-American professors will carry out a summer course in Spanish at the Catalunya campus, and students from the Northeastern University of Boston will do a course in Chemical Engineering at the CTTI and visit locally-based chemical companies. On 20 July students from the University of Cairo and the British University of Egypt began courses in Engineering and Chemical Engineering

For the first time, these two Brazilian universities have participated in a conference with the URV to establish future cooperation. The Chilean University of Concepción, which already has ties to the URV, is also interested in expanding the cooperation. The visit took place on 6 July 2015 as part of the Hispano-Brazilian energy sustainability conference at the URV.

The Catalan Government gives out 30 of these awards every year to reward research excellence in the Catalan university system. To receive the award, individuals must have spent at least five years primarily engaged in research activities at a Catalan public university. Marsal is head of the Nanoelectronic and Photonic Systems research group (NePhoS) at the URV’s Department Of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering

The first beer made by URV students has been officially presented by the Faculty of Oenology during the closing ceremony of the University Master’s Degree in Fermented Beverages. The ceremony took place on 25 June at the Sescelades Campus and featured a talk by the president of the Guild of Natural and Artisan Beer Makers