20 postdoctoral research contracts announced by the Martí i Franquès programme
Researchers have until 26 January 2018 to present their applications

Researchers have until 26 January 2018 to present their applications
On 18 December the URV’s Martí i Franquès programme announced its latest call for applications for a total of 20 research contracts. The contracts have an initial duration of one year, which may be extended to two years. Candidates have until 26 January 2018 to present their applications. This is the sixth edition of the Martí i Franquès programme for attracting postdoctoral research talent.
The research contracts are assigned to research projects in four areas of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture (six contracts), Health Sciences (five), Sciences (five) and Social and Legal Sciences (four). To apply, researchers must register via the programme application and submit their applications between now and 26 January inclusive. The conditions and the template documents that must be submitted with the applications can be found on the website of the Martí i Franquès programme for postdoctoral researchers.
The final list of candidates who have been admitted or excluded during the initial phase of the process will be published by 26 February. After this, the selection committee will select the successful candidates and assign them to URV research groups on the basis of their CVs and the scores of the research groups for the 2017 Research Promotion Programme of URV. Candidates must meet the requirements specified in the conditions by 26 January 2018, including at least one year’s experience as a postdoctoral researcher. In the case of candidates with URV doctoral degrees, this experience must have been acquired at other institutions.
The contracts are jointly funded by research groups at the University and two of them are jointly funded by the Obra Social ”la Caixa”.
All information relating to the research contracts can be found on the website of the Martí i Franquès programme for postdoctoral researchers.
More news about: Martí i Franquès programme, Research