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Thirteen Japanese students participated in a Study Abroad training activity in Tarragona from 12 to 20 March in which they formed two groups. Whilst the first group studied various aspects of human mobility and human rights, the second investigated nursing care and visits to health facilities in the Tarragona area

The two recent studies were part of the PREDIMED (Prevenció amb Dieta Mediterrània) project. One of them, published in the journal Diabetis Care and coordinated by the URV, concludes that the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil reduces the risk of diabetic patients suffering a retinopathy by 44%. The other study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, associates the Mediterranean diet with a reduction in the risk of suffering from breast cancer. This study was coordinated by the University of Navarre and the URV researchers who took part were led by Jordi Salas-Salvadó

This investigation was conducted as part of the PREDIMED study which was designed to examine the impact of consuming a Mediterranean-style diet on prevention of cardiovascular disease. A total of 1868 men and women between 55 and 80 years of age were followed for a median of 3 years during which time dietary analyses were conducted and clinical assessments evaluated

A scientific article published in “Nature Scientific Reports” reveals that the oxidation of the amino acid methionine is a blood marker that indicates the oxidation of good cholesterol. This oxidation prevents the cholesterol from maturing and, therefore, from carrying out its protective function. This study -carried out by CIBERDEM/URV researchers jointly with researchers from the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital- has been carried out in a group of girls in the initial stages of polycystic ovary syndrome, which can lead to a high risk of anovulatory infertility, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome in adulthood.

Number 23 of the Revista URV is now available. The cover of the latest edition highlights the University’s commitment to quality on all areas of its activities through its Quality Assurance Plan. 6000 copies of the magazine will be printed and it can be read, downloaded, printed and shared online in Catalan, English and Spanish at the following link http://issuu.com/revistaurv

The University has opened the pre-registration period for 50 university master’s degrees covering practically all areas of knowledge and 30 URV-specific postgraduate programmes aimed at quality professional development and specialisation