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Greater time spent in physical activities with moderate-high intensity and less time devoted to sedentary activities, such as watching television, are associated with a lower presence of cardiometabolic risk factors including obesity, diabetes and certain individual components of metabolic syndrome, according to the first results published from the multicentric study PREDIMED-PLUS

URV researchers have developed a mobile application for car sharing that protects users’ data. Co-car is an Android app that puts drivers who want to share their car in contact with other people who want to make similar journeys. People are able to arrange journeys anonymously and through mutual collaboration and without the involvement of any company. This means that users’ privacy is not compromised because data on individuals and their movements are not published or stored. Furthermore, the service is completely free

URV researchers have discovered why cyberattacks usually fail against the Darknet, a part of the internet that guarantees users’ privacy and anonymity. This hidden network is used for sensitive and often illegal purposes such as drug trafficking or exchanging child pornography and can counter large attacks on its own by spontaneously adding more network capacity

A group of researchers from the URV, CIBERDEM and IRB Barcelona have developed a new methodology that uses nuclear magnetic resonance to study the metabolism. It is a tool that makes it possible to monitor metabolic fluxes and, in just 10 minutes, provide dynamic information about a considerable number of molecules. It may be able to be used in future applications to understand the reasons why some diseases develop