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Consuming saturated animal fats is associated with a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes. In particular, the consumption of butter, which is rich in saturated fatty acids and trans fats, has been related to a high risk of suffering from this disease. In contrast, the consumption of whole fat yoghurt is associated with a lower risk. These are the findings of study on more than 3,000 men and women aged between 50 and 80 who are participating in the PREDIMED project, a clinical study into the effects of dietary intervention on patients with a high cardiovascular risk

The researchers are part of the Martí i Franquès COFUND Fellowship Programme which is jointly funded by the European Union as part of its Horizon 2020 programme. This new programme at the URV will recruit 25 predoctoral researchers this year and another 25 next year, all on three-year contracts. The call for applications is open from 15 February to 15 April 2017

Researchers at the URV have developed a pioneering method that will allow city authorities to levy fairer charges on vehicles that enter their city centres. The method analyses data in real time in order to identify congestion hot-spots at any given moment so that only drivers who pass through these hot-spots have to pay a charge rather than all drivers who take their vehicles into the city centre

In 2016 the Universitat Rovira i Virgili’s Unit of Scientific Communication developed a new educational and communication tool: a series of 12 videos which, with the support of animated illustrations and in little more than 60 seconds, give explanations for common scientific doubts. Researchers from the University have advised on the content of these short audiovisuals, which have been posted on YouTube and are useful for explaining science to students

Research by the URV has demonstrated, for the first time, that the polyphenols in grapes can re-establish the control mechanism that the brain has on appetite and which is altered in obesity. The study reports that adding these phenols to the diet of obese individuals, in conjunction with other therapies, would be a good strategy to reduce the appetite and the excess of body fat

With ever-increasing amounts of online information available, modelling and predicting individual preferences for certain products is becoming more and more important. Good predictions enable better advice to be given to users and provide a better understanding of the socio-psychological processes that determine those preferences. Researchers at the URV have created a new algorithm that provides better predictions than existing algorithms

Research at the URV and our related research centres is mainly funded externally and our researchers compete for national and international funding that in 2015 alone was worth €29 million. Knowledge, close cooperation and quality relations with local, national and international organizations are the keys to improving the performance of URV research teams and to providing the necessary support for inter-institutional projects