The URV Festival repeats its success
The performances by Tremenda Jauría, LesQueFaltaBand and DJ Trapella ended a day full of activities for thousands of participants

The performances by Tremenda Jauría, LesQueFaltaBand and DJ Trapella ended a day full of activities for thousands of participants
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili has repeated the experience of a mass festival, with a great atmosphere and plenty of participation in all the activities. Held on Thursday in the Parc de la Ciutat in Tarragona, the second edition of the event, which hopes to become the largest gathering of members of the university community, culminated with a triple performance by Tremenda Jauría, LesQueFaltaBanda and DJ Trapella, which finished at 11 p.m., bringing to an end without incident many hours of activities and a festive atmosphere involving thousands of participants.
The party kicked off at 12 noon with the charanga band Pujats de To, who were responsible for welcoming everybody arriving in the Parc de la Ciutat from the various URV campuses (those who were from further afield had a bus service laid on). From very early on, the Park was packed and the opening activities made it clear that the party was now on: the human-tower team, the Pataquers, constructed a pillar; the University’s Chinese community paraded their dragon; and from the stage, the rector, Josep Pallarès, and the mayor of Tarragona, Rubén Viñuales, encouraged everybody to join in and enjoy themselves. As soon as they had finished, the DJ PD Peting provided the musical background to the open-air lunch of fideuà and the paella, with food trucks as an alternative.

During the afternoon, activities were organised and the stalls set up by student groups and URV services were buzzing with activity. Meanwhile, others took part in a nearby game of bingo and, shortly afterwards, there was a musical talent show, won by the students Rita and Alba, and a DJ competition, won by PD Pelacanyes, who will perform at next year’s Festival. The final competition of the day was for T-shirt slogans. The slogan chosen as the wittiest was “L’educació és revolució, però tenir un sou digne és ficció” (“Education is revolution, but a decent salary is fiction”), thought up by students on the bachelor’s degrees in Social Education and Pedagogy and printed on their T-shirts.

With the party now in full swing, everything was ready for the highlight of the event, the performances by Tremenda Jauría and LesQueFaltaBand, and the session by DJ Trapella, which brought the day to an end. The whole day had been coordinated and organised by the URV’s Festival committee, consisting of the teaching staff; managerial, administrative and service staff; students and students’ associations; and the Tarragona City Council. They had all been working since the beginning of the academic year to prepare the line-up and the logistics of the event. Should you wish to contribute with ideas and suggestions for next year’s edition, you can do so by sending a message to the Festival’s email: festamajor@urv.cat

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- Festa Major 2024
View more images of the URV Festival here.